All this information will be stored in the Bush Presidential Lie-Bury.
As I recall, he did a lousy job keeping the people of New Orleans safe after Katrina. It seems he was taking a nap when the levee broke and decided to wait until morning before sending help. Too late, dummy. If you take fear out of the picture there will be no Republican Party. They thrive by instilling fear in the ignorant. Their leaders may have graduated high school, but the people who vote for them are hopelessly flawed. Look at what they tried to do to Obamacare. They used the same scare tactics that they did in 1965 to try to defeat Medicare. It's all on tape, and its all lies, but it works. That's why they do it.
The Republican party's DNA is twisted up with denial, no surprise. Their Reagan myth was helped because he had the moves down from decades of acting experience. Bush was nothing but the mouthpiece for Cheney, outclassed, and most likely had addiction issues. Good luck making this doofus a saint.
What worries me is that the GOP will run another Bush....Wonder how the GOP hierarchy will accept Jeb's wife....
The Republican party has just about purged its ranks of the college educated. This looks like the beginning of a campaign to get rid of the high school graduates.
As far as they are concerned the only scoolin you need is bible camp and a speed loading class...
As for the stuff with Bush they will declare it revisionist history month.
The terrorists win when they scare us into doing stupid stuff like creating DHS and the Patriot Act, taking off our shoes at airports, and wistfully trying to rewrite history to disinclude the fact that GWB was "on watch" when 9/11 actually happened. Osama bin Ladin won, folks.
The damage he did to America was greater than taking down 3 airplanes, destroying 3 buildings and killing 3000 people - it was the crippling psychological damage that has kept nearly half the country (as well as nearly all of a generation) in crippling fear of "what might happen next."
If we want freedom; if we want to live our lives our way, we must lay aside the fear and stop demonizing Islam. We must recognize that the damage we've done to ourselves since 9/11 is greater than the damage done to us on 9/11 - and we must take steps to heal.
Fear is our greatest obstacle. Cease to fear. Start to heal.
He didn't scare me, it was the GWB and the republicans stupidity that scared me, they demanded that my rights were not as important as illusions of security were. Funny how those who survived the nuke war scare turned into a bunch of chicken @!$%# bed wetters after 9/11. The "attack" showed a lot about our priorities.
These people didn't attack a church and they didn't attack the statue of liberty, but they did attack buildings that are associated with money.
I'm shocked they didn't attack a sports arena.
You beat me to it. Other than that horrible day of death when the Twin Towers came down, and a plane burned a big hole in the side of the Pentagon...other than that, how safe did he keep us?
The scary thing is, not very. I'd add Katrina to Steve's list. Maybe it wasn't a terrorist attack, but nearly a thousand people died in that disaster, and that toll had been largely preventable.
And Steve says: "Bush received an intelligence briefing on Aug. 6, 2001, at which he was handed a memo with an important headline: "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.""
But now we know it was worse than that - that this was the last of a string of a half-dozen warnings about bin Laden and the possibility of a terrorist attack that the CIA had included in various PDBs during the summer of 2001. But it wasn't what that worthless schmuck wanted to hear, so he ignored them all.
George W. Bush - Worst.President.Ever!
His presidency brought Nuremberg jurisprudence to shame! He is unfit to be a human being unless he at the least issues an unconditional apology for allowing 9/11, wrecking a nation and a people through invasion, and crashing our economy here in our own beloved nation with a recklessness second to none! -Kevo
Not to mention that there were attempted terrorist attacks during bush's administration which he did nothing to stop. Had the shoe bomber not lit himself on fire that would have been a successful terror attack, unless Bush was the individual who tackled him on the plane I don't think he deserves credit for stopping that.
They vote these nuts into office because we have a large percentage of people in this country that are racist, bigots, homophobic, etc. These folks can't wait to get to their favorite cult on Sunday morning to get their weekly dose of hate. The cult picks one hot button issue like gay rights and these people will bite off their noses to spite their face. To hell with starving children, medical care for the sick, education, etc. etc....they don't want some gay person to have rights. The teachers here helped vote these nut cases into office and now they are trying to raid their retirement. I would LMAO except for the fact that some of my loved ones are caught up in this lunacy.
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